Bad hire is a bane that an organization can ill-afford. It results in a lot of wastage of resources. Studies show that faked educational qualifications are among the major reasons for bad hiring. Fatronz helps organizations avoid this glitch with its impeccable educational background verification service.
A bad hire means not just wastage of the money and time spent on hiring the individual but the organization may loss a client or even business or has to expend time and energy rehiring a fitting substitute or spend a lot of resources again on training. Even one bad hire is enough to ruin the situation. To avoid making bad hires due to fake or invalid educational qualifications you can bank upon Fatronz’s Educational Background Check service in India.
Educational qualifications is nowadays a widely prevalent practice. Hoping to make it big in life, many a candidate contrive their education history in numerous ways. There are many instances of many quarks deceiving an interview board or getting through a plain aptitude test to acquire a job, which is far beyond the ambit of their actual qualifications. Things do not stop with that. Now, there is Diploma factories abound, which hand out degrees just for money or teach sans accreditation or affiliation. They even engage in malpractices like handing out transcripts and endorsing fraudulent degrees. It is in this circumstance that an educational verification becomes an almost absolute necessity.
Fatronz conducts our educational verification endeavor diligently. Only thus can be the legality and accuracy of the educational qualifications of an applicant can be verified. Fatronz checks for the details like the degree acquired, dates of attendance, graduation date and any special recognition or awards thoroughly in our educational verification task.
Fatronz professionals are experts in delineating the minutiae of working with educational institutions, colleges and universities, internationally. In addition to that, Fatronz personnel physically verify the degrees with the institutions by contacting the authorities and checking proper records. This makes our educational verification service reliable and unique.
As is evident from facts, educational verification is an integral and important part of an excellent pre-employment background check in India.

Educational Background Verification in India
If you are on the look-out for a dependable educational verification service contact us at